Look what I had waiting for me in my mailbox today...
(*Notice the packing boxes in the background! YUCK! They're everywhere! I can't stand looking at the mess :p This is all the room that is left of my dining-room table)
THANK YOU JODI-ANN!!!! I love it all!!! :)
... on a different note... this is what my Matt had to say about my day,
"Mommy - bla, bla, bla, blah, bla, bla, bla... okay Mommy!"...
Yes, this is his signature right now for the last 3 days... - thanks Scarlette! It's a contagious thing to say! First me, now him - it's hilarious!... LOL, love ya darling ;)
Ooooh Margie Love the layout... My super faves ever PINK and Brown... can't wait to see what you'll mix up with those goodies...
Whoo Hoo, I can't wait to see what you do with you new Hula Bunny and snowman goodies, have fun!
What a wonderful and sweet RAK - I bet you are just itchin' to put it all to use now!! Can't wait to see what you make!!
hugs, Jami
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