First, I want to congratulate Jen of Pieces of Me!!!
She is celebrating her 250,000th visit on her blog today!!!
It's been a lil while since I've visited her blog; She has some wonderful creations going on over there that are just jaw-dropping cute!!! And I want to thank her for coming up with such a fun giveaway - I had a ton of fun taking these pics to post for today! What a wonderful idea, Jen!!! Thank you :)
So originally, I decided to do her contest just for fun, but now, I can't help but enter too ;)
My hubs decided to help me take these pics!!! We had a bit of fun!
I beg you not to be offended by any of them, or actually, one of them in particular ;) LOL!
So here are my pics for Jen's 5 giveaways!!!
#1 - Take a pic of something PINK...
I have a berry bad 'cowld' again, thanks to my sweet baby boy for sharing it, hee hee!
And yesterday, hubs brought me home a few pretty pink tissue boxes! Just for me :)
#2 - A pic of something round...
BEWARE!!! And step back from the screen!
'Cause Hubs did the honor of showing off his very round belly for this one, LOL!!! ;)
It was either this, or Matt's tamborine - but everyone agreed, and with much persuasion by our boys, we thought that y'all would like a nice giggle instead!!! His belly is really, really round!!!
Hubs is not a shy person! So, for everyone's benefit, I made him put his shirt on! LOL!
#3 - Take a pic of something you ate today...
I had 2, does that count?!
Calories don't count when you're sick ;) hee hee
#4 - Take a pic of a plant in your home/work area...
My boys gave me these roses for Mom's Day :)
Otherwise, I would've had to take a pic of a fake plant! Ha!
Plants don't live for very long in this house, I tend to over-water the poor things...
And last, but not least, #5 - Take a pic of your youngest child's dirty socks!
Well, my almost 4yo, Matt, did not want to cooperate! He got upset with me for trying to get a pic 'when he wasn't ready' for one, lol! He then proceeded to rip them off his feet and threw them in the wash! I don't know what got into him, he's not the type to have tantrums, but I guess I just caught him having a moment... But, I still got this pic, hahaha!
... sigh... he doesn't think it's funny ;)
I hope you enjoyed our pics for today!!!
Thanks for stopping by :)
Enjoy your night!!!
I loved all your pics and giggled at something round! You've got a special guy there, that will help you out with this! I think my favorite pic is your li'l ones socks in the washing machine...don't tell him I thought it was funny too!
Hello BeautifuL!!! Miss u tons, girl!! Thanks for playing along, love, love, love your pics, esp the "round" one... funny, I have one just like that here in my house, too. LOL!! I'm also getting rid of all my Rubber/Acrylic stamps, they are all 40% off, so if you wanna shop check it out and use GoodBuy40 right before checkout to get the discount in.
Hugs n' Blessings,
I had to comment Margie cause this post is so funny to me. My hubby was doing the same pose this week (but from a side view) and wanted me to take a pic and put it on my blog. I WOULD NOT do it. LOL. This is hilarious. Thanks for the laughs. BTW my hubby's belly is about the same. LOL again.
LMAO! ahhh, i needed a good laught-thank you :)
LOL You are so funny, Margie!! I did not fall off the earth...thank you sooo much for your copic tips regarding your favorite vampires!! Who knew things could get so hectis when mommy leaves for a few days...heehee Finally catching up!! Have a good week!!
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