Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The power is ON!!! Must KETCHUP!!!

Seriously peeps! Three and a half days without power was something that we really did not expect! lol! Power started to come back on in our neighborhood really early this morning, around 1am... but we were left for last, we were starting to think that maybe they forgot about us, lol! But if finally came on around 10ish this morning! Such a releif! We were truly blessed that this was our only problem! Really made us appreciate the little things in life! How precious every minute is! and how spoil we all really are! hee hee! 

Now that we have done most of our errands today, grabbed some much needed groceries and a bite to eat! I've got a few crafty things to share with you :) SO grab a snack AND a drink, it's going to be a long post, I have a card and 2 - heArt Journaling entries!!! I really missed being online! But, priorities first! My boys will officially start school a week from today, 2nd grade orientation on Friday and Kindergarten orientation on Tuesday, busy, busy! Gotta get those sneakers too... digressing, sorry... here are my creations :)

This week, The Pink Elephant's Challenge is to do some paper piecing!!!
I heart paper piecing! and decided to use my Greeting Farm My Guy Stamp Set for it and My Mind's Eye DP...  

Such a handsome fella! I started this right before our lights went out, had to do the gluing parts with a flashlight, you can see that there is glue smudged everywhere, lol! shhh, don't tell ;)

I am entering my card into the following challenges that are still going on, lol!
I had created this card for 4 other challenges, but I wasn't able to post it in time ;)
- The Pink Elephant #114: Paper Piecing
- Crazy 4 Challenges #102: Male themed card
- Raise the Bar Challenge #72: Primary Colors (Red, Blue, Yellow)

Here's a close-up...

I will never forget this card! :)

Next up, I have my heArt Journaling with The Greeting Farm... 

Week 5: Pieces of Me
Assignment: Create a spread/page using layering and paper piecing techniques. 
Use any stamps you want, colors, etc.

There is a TON of layering going on here! LOL!
This was what I created 2 weeks ago, I just never had a chance to post it here on my blog...
First, I started to draw something, didn't like it, so I Gesso-ed over it...
I always like to add my DP with Modge Podge first! The DP and Stickers came from my latest TE Key Ingredients Kit! Once I saw these papers from Echo Park, I knew that I just needed to create a page about me and my bumble-y blog :)

Some close-ups...

What do you think!? :)

Week 6: Text Me! 
Assignment: Create a spread/page using mainly text and lettering! 
This includes numbers, symbols, handwritten or typed, phrases, etc. 
Use any stamps you want, colors, etc.

I started creating this piece on canvas at my sister house with some friends this last Monday :)
Originally, this lil awesome group was to meet up at my house, but with the power outage, we changed it over to my sisters... then, she lost power too! ugh! Everyone came to hang out anyways, and within 20 mins the power came back on! Yay!!!
I was able to get the majority of it done at her house...
and as you can see above, I brought it home to add some stickers, doodling and rub-ons via flashlight! lol!

Here she is! My "Pretty in Pink Me" on canvas!
First, I Gesso-ed the canvas, then applied my KandCompany DP with Modge Podge
and added the border of crackle paint by Tim Holtz...

I then started on my 'girl'... I used polka-dotted papers for her head, arms, legs and shirt.
I decided to use crepe paper for her skirt, super fun! but hard to stamp on, lol!

The paper itself had a ton of text in the corners,
I also used numerous stamps and Cosmo Cricket stickers and rub-ons all around...

I didn't doodle much this time, wasn't feeling it.
I really love all the rub-ons! I never had a thing for those and don't have anymore!
Must find some more asap! If you have any suggestions as to where I can purchase a bunch of floral, border  and butterfly rub-ons, please do let me know :) Thanks!!!

And here's a view at my messy desk, lol!
It was hard to find things in the dark, oi!

Thanks for sticking this post out with me!
I hope you're all do well! I cannot wait to catch up with everyone within the next few days!
I'm 'off like a prom dress'!!! Gots lots to bake and prepare for our shopping trip tomorrow :)
hugs xoxo 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just poppin' in to say HI!

Hello friends :)  I just wanted to pop in and say HI! Hurricane Irene blew thru here with a hissy fit :p and left us with a power outage! Luckily, my Mom and Sis have power, so we've been able to come here to eat and shower :)  So we've been blessed that that is our only prob! but it's such an inconvenience, lol! Trying to live in two different places, ugh! I hope that everyone else that was in Irene's path made it out well! and I hope that we get our power back on soon! (as of today, estimation time was Friday, eeek!) Kiddos start school a week from today, must try to get the rest of their stuffs ready ;)  I'm also hoping to grab my Copics and a few stamps from my home today, hee hee! It's the best way to relax from all this stress and running around, right?!
Many hugs to you all! Hope to see you all soon :) xoxo

Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh Baby!!!

I am SOOO thrilled for it to finally be TGIF!!! 
For many, many reasons, lol! It's been a rough week around here - tech and electrical problems, headaches, back-to-school shopping, burnt cookies and earthquakes, eeek! and don't even get me started on the looks of the weather we will be having soon, yikes! 
SO I am very happy to get to today's Taylored Expressions Sketch Challenge :) 
The only card that I was able to get to earlier this week, sigh... so I am kinda looking forward being stuck indoors for a few days, will give me some much needed time to get my crafty time going on again ;) 

Here's my card using Rachel's awesome sketch! 

I used sweet Moka Jenn, isn't she glowing and beautiful?!?!
I paper pieced her lovely shirt and pants too! 
 and I used my new pad of My Mind's Eye, one of the cutest pads I'v ever seen :) 
It's also one of the first pads that I've purchased in the long time that doesn't have any options for boy cards, lol! Much too girly ;) Love it!

To play along, just create a card using the sketch! 
You're not required to use Taylored Expression stamps, 
but there's a bonus if you do :) 
To be entered into the prize drawing, you must upload your card to 
Splitcoaststampers using keyword TESC145 by Thursday, September 1st. 
One randomly selected person will receive a $10 gift certificate to the Taylored Expressions Store! 
and if you predominantly used Taylored Expression Stamps on your creation, 
you will receive a $10 bonus to add onto your gift certificate :) How cool is that?!!! 

Be sure to visit the rest of the Sketch Crew and see their fabulous creations!!! 

Guest Stamper: Kelly

And let's not forget the sketch ;) 

Thanks for visiting me today!!! 
Have a wonderful TGIF!!! 
See you tomorrow with my heArt Journaling post :) 
Card Details: 
Ink(s): Memento Tuxedo Black Ink, SU Chocolate Chip Ink, Copic Markers 
Recollections Pearls, The Twinery Baker's Twine, Button

Monday, August 22, 2011

Miss. Sunshine

'morning my friendly peeps!!! 
Hope all is well in your part of the world today :) 

It's MONDAY!!! 
Which means we have another awesome The Pink Elephant Challenge for you today! 
There's a photo to be inspired by this week, 
please go HERE to The Pink Elephant Blog to see :) 

I have also used the following challenges for my card! 
- Flutter By Wednesday #167: Butterflies and add a die-cut or punch 
I used Square Card, Die-cut and 2 DPs 

It has been a very looong while since I've used a Miss Anya! 
Had a bit of fun with my scallop border die and added lil pearls here and there :) 
Jen's sketch made it super fun to put this card together! 

Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek! 
Be sure to visit the rest of the DT to see their amazing designs!!!
Enjoy :) 

Card Details: 
Stamp(s): The Greeting Farm Miss Anya Stamp Set 
Paper(s): American Crafts Happy Go Lucky DP, TE CS 
Ink(s): Memento Tuxedo Black Ink, Copic Markers 
Accessories: TE Medium Scallop Border Die, Ribbons, Button, 
The Twinery Peapod Twine, Recollection Pearls, MS Butterfly Punch, Cricut Tag

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Amy's Thousand Sheets of Paper Giveaway!!!

Amy has done it again!!! 
She's used up 1,000 sheets of paper! 
and she's also celebrating her 2nd blogoversary! 

And she's also the creative genius behind Sweet November Stamps :) 
So be sure to check her bloggy out!!! 


"friend journaling"

Last week's heArt Journaling with The Greeting Farm... 

WEEK 4 - The Girl in Me
Assignment: Create a spread or a page using the concept of hand-drawn girls. I want you to actually draw a character in your book!!! It can be sketchy, cartoony, realistic, or even stick figures. 
Tip:Try a different medium that you've never used before.

Did she just say HAND DRAWN?!?!
Oi, this was really intimidating! I haven't drawn anything of the sort since I was in high school!
I had absolutely no clue as to what I was going to do... then, I got a text from my sis letting me know that one of our wonderful scrappy friends b'day was that weekend, and then the ideas just clicked together :)

I decided to use my first canvas! and Gesso-ed it the night before...
the following morning - play time!!!
I Modge Podge-d scraps of The Girl's Paperie DP all over it... 

It took only a few minutes to dry, I don't use much and I don't cover the whole front with Modge Podge, just the edges to make sure that everything is somewhat laying flat - I wanted to have as much paper as I could to draw on and be able to erase any mistakes ;)

Next step, draw my girlie...  
She was inspired my scrappy friend and a few artists pics that I saw online :) 

Watercolor Crayons!!!
I just discovered how fun and versatile these crayons can be! Loving them!!! 

A few minutes for the coloring to dry...
I used The Greeting Farm's Blush Hello, Blush Heart and Splotchy Stamps;
A sentiment from TE Moka Lani Stamp Set and 2 other stamps sets, sorry, but I don't remember where or the names at the moment, lol! Old age, geesh! 

BTW, Memento Tuxedo Black Ink is what I stamped with! It worked, but took a while to dry on the spots that had Modge Podge on it... added some fabric ribbon and ric rac for the edge of her skirt!

Did some doodling too!!!
Another first! and SO much fun and I can see this becoming very addicting!!!
Very :) 

Added some die-cut flowers and dew drops too :)

All fun, bright, cheery!
Just like my scrappy friend
and I truly hope that she loves it just as much as I do!
I cannot wait to create one for myself ;)

Thanks for stopping by again!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend xoxo 

Friday, August 19, 2011

School is {NOT} Cool, DUDE!

Hi again!!! TGIF :) 
I am in the middle of battling a headache with a homemade brownie sundae ;) 
Please scroll down to see Pixie Dust Studio's latest release too, thanks!!! 

Thought I'd pop on and share some more cards that I've made for 
Yes, there are TWO, lol! Last week's and today's! 

Here's my card for today's "Button It Up" challenge... 

This lil Wild Sprout Ryan, has some major DUDE-titude going on!!!
and here's why... 

Ryan and my boys, sigh... not so much! lol! 
I keep reminding my boys that school will be starting up in less than 3 weeks, 
they keep saying, 
"Don't want to hear about it! Not gonna happen! Stop reminding us!" 
Oh boy! I'm wondering how this is going to go, lol! 

Hope you likey! 
Enjoy the rest of your Friday!
I'll be back later tonight with my girlie heArt Journaling entry too :) 

Knock, Knock! Who's there???


It's release day at Pixie Dust Studio
and it's the SWEETEST one yet!!! 

"Gumball Smiles" 
"Sweet Santa" 
"Candy Corn"
"Pixie Kiss" 

"Miss Lolli Pop" 

Be sure to visit the rest of the DT to see their delish treats for today too!
and stop by the STUDIO and pick up your bag of goodies!!! 
You can't beat a zero calorie treat ;) 

Happy Friday! xoxo 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yippee, with a Kiss!

It's THURSDAY!!! Wow, this week is just flying by! 
Lots of fun kiddie stuffs going, I had to let some scrappy stuff slide by in order to keep up with my boys! geesh! They've been keeping me on my toes! They walk so fast too! LOL! I kidd you not! I have to ask them to slow down, then they tell me that I'm not that old and that I need to keep up, oi! lol! I better start hitting the gym, gasp!!! 

Enough rambles, it's definitely Thursday, and I'm a bit late with my 
This week's theme is to create a Tween/Teen card/project :) 

Here's my card...

Every boy's dream, a cheerleader ;) hee, hee!!! 

to be released TOMORROW!!! 

Here's a sneak peek of "Pixie Kiss"... 

She's a cutie! She reminds me of a pillow-doll that I had when I was a tot :) 

Thanks for stopping by today!
Enjoy xoxo 

Don't forget to visit Pixie and her friends at her BOOKSHELF!!!
There's a fun lil game going on were you can win an awesome prize :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Taylored Expressions August "Blast from the Past" Blog Hop!!!

Good morning everyone :)
Welcome to another awesome Taylored Expressions 
Blast from the Past Blog Hop!!! 
This month's theme is... Collectors Anonymous!

Stop hording and start using ;) hee, hee...

"Hi, my name is Margie,
I collect scraps of pretty paper and neglect my older stamps, sniff..."

I have been trying SO very hard to get through my scraps!
But I do have a small pile that I just cannot part with, lol!
I finally caved in and pulled out my stash of October Afternoon,
dusted off my "Sweet Celebration" Stamp Set,
the first stamp set that I ever purchased from Taylored Expressions :)
and I also had to dust off my "Banner Day 1 Stamp Set and Die"
which has never been used, just sitting in my stampy box waiting...
Geesh! I looove all of this and it was definitely time
to stop staring/drooling and finally use it :)
Felt good too ;)

Here are the rest of the participants!
Happy Wednesday, and enjoy hopping :)

Card Details: 
Stamp(s): Taylored Expressions "Sweet Celebration" and "It's a Banner Day 1" Stamp Sets 
Paper(s): October Afternoon "Fly a Kite" DP, TE Choice Buttercream and Kraft CS 
Accessories: Taylored Expressions "Banner Day 1" and "Medium Scallop Border" Dies
Small Circle and Scallop Circle Nesties, Ribbon, Recollections Pearls 

Monday, August 15, 2011

"A Stitch In Time" {TPE112}

Good morning!!! 
I hope we're all off to a good start this week :)
This week's The Pink Elephant Challenge is being sponsored by
Christy Croll of Tiddly Inks!!! 
One lucky random winner will receive a $10 gift certificate to the Tiddly Inks Store!!!
and the challenge is to use some sort of STITCHING, real or faux, on your card/project... 

"You and Me"
I just fell in love with this couple!
Of course they reminded me of Edward and Bella :)
But their is just something about this image that just says, love...
I used embroidery floss to create my stitches! The thread is really thick, I recommend using only half the strands instead of all 6, like me, lol! Iit was hard to get through the thick cardstock, and made some large ugly holes that you can kinda see, sigh... live and learn ;)
Hope you likey!!! 

The Pink Elephant Challenge #112, will close on Sunday at midnight EST.
If you upload your card to SCS or any other gallery,
please use keyword TPE,
but also add your direct link to the blog post too :)

Be sure to visit the rest of the DT today too!!!
Happy Monday :) :) :)

Card Details: 
Paper(s): October Afternoon DP, TE Snow White and Kraft CS 
Accessories: Gold Paper Doilie, Twinery Twine, Prima Flowers, 
Bo Bunny Pearls, Button, Embroidery Thread  

Friday, August 12, 2011

heArt Journaling Week 3... Gratitude

thank you... 

Last weeks heArt Journaling with The Greeting Farm... 

Assignment: Create a spread/page using the concept of Gratitude, appreciation, and thanks. This could be a spread listing your appreciation for anything/anyone. Use any stamps you want, colors, etc. Not necessary to use any TGF stamps, this is YOUR journal, do what you want cuz you rule that journal! Tip: Try adding lots of layers. 

And I did add a whole bunch of layers, lol!
I am definitely not a free hand painter! This tree started off very branch-y and spooky looking! Layers of different paints and such, and I was finally happy with what it looks like now... same thing with the paper heart; it looked a bit plain, added some journaling, then I tried to stamp something in it, but it came out too dark and smudged! So I tried painting over it, didn't work, made it worse! Ugh, lol! Ended up using these ticket stubs to hide it ;)  I had a TON of fun creating this... 

The left side of the page... I have to admit, I am very thankful for my life!
No matter what happens to me, I am thankful and happy to be here, to be able to share with my family and friends, to be a part of their lives... so happy to just be alive :) 

On the right side,
I added my "family tree", I am SOOO very thankful for my sweet boys, hubs, parents and little sister! I could never imagine my life, not one minute of it, without any of them by my side! They are my tree of life! A huge part of my existence :)

I Modge Podge-d the paper heart, acrylic paints, added some Prima flowers and Thickers...
I also used The Greeting Farm's Blush Heart, Splotchy and the lil birdie from the Sunshine Kit!

This week's theme is to hand-draw a girl and use a medium you've never used before!
This should get very interesting :)
I just got some Gesso and a new pen/marker to do the journaling with...
Fun :) :) :)

Thanks much for letting me share today!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

Awesome News!!! with Taylored Expressions Sketch #144

Happy, happy daaay!!! 
I am SO very excited to share with you today that I am now on the 
Yippeee :) I was SO very excited when I received an email from Taylor herself! 
Thank you SO very much, Taylor!!! 

.... and here's my first official sketch :) :) :) 

And here's the card I created using my July Key Ingredients Kit 
and "Scotties in Love" Rubber Stamp...

To be honest, my boys chose this stamp for me to create a card for hubs since it will be our 8th Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday :)  and to be more honest, I've always bought his cards in the past, lol! It's SO hard to put my feelings into words, I know, I know, it was the easy way out, lol... well, my boys and I think that he is going to love it because I am finally going to genuinely be giving him 'a card from the heart' this year :) 

You can find all of the challenge deets either on Taylor's Blog or 

Thanks for stopping by!!! 
I can't wait to see who plays along this week :)
Now it's time visit the rest of the awesome Sketch Crew... 
Cassie Trask
Lisa Hjulberg
Lori Craig
Margie Cortina {ME!}
Monika Davis
Rachel Sztonyk
Taylor VanBruggen {Taylored Expressions Blog}
Tracy Clemente
Guest Stamper: Dawn

TGIF peeps!!! xoxo 

Card Details:
Stamp(s): Taylored Expressions "Scotties in Love" a la carte Rubber Stamp 
Taylored Expressions July Key Ingredients Kit: 
My Mind's Eye Lime Twist Life of the Party DP and Twine, Ribbon and TE CS
Ink(s): Memento Tuxedo Black Ink, Copic Markers 
Accessories: Taylored Expressions Medium Scallop Border Die, Maya Road Wooden Button 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Boys Will Be Boys!!! and my Mini-Guests :)

'morning peeps :) 
It's Thursday, so that means that the Pixies are running about with this week's 
This week's theme is... 
"Boys will be Boys!" 
Create a boy themed card and add buttons or brads... 

Now, if you know my boys and I, we are all about the Harry Potter stuffs ;) 
Here's my card... and then hold on for my "mini-guests" cards too!!! 

Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy!!! 
I'm still trying to get over the last movie!!! 
I need to watch it again, a bit more closure... sigh... 

However, I feel that my boys are still too young to read/watch books/movies past the 5th one...
but it doesn't keep them from re-watching the others, lol! 
Here are there cards! They too used Harry Potter and "our" stash of Creative Imaginations Harry Potter DP! hee, hee... 

Here's Nicholas', 
(who has officially hit the 1/2 mark between 7 and 8, and will not let you forget it!) 

... and here's 5yo, Matthew's card... 

He loooves to spread things around and even created on the inside!
I asked where would he write his note if he were to give his card to someone: 
"Mommy, why would I give my Harry card away???" 
Good answer, good answer ;) 

Thanks SO much for looking and for all the sweet comments!
My boys love to hear all about it :) 

Happy Thursday 

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Graphics by PSW Shop