Thursday, December 31, 2009


Happy 2010!!!
Best wishes and many blessings to you :*)

This is the first year were both our boys stayed up and watch Mr Dick Clark, annoying Ryan Seacrest, lol, and the big ol' New Year's Ball drop down in Times Square :)

... and of course, I didn't take any pics! LOL!

Created using The Greeting Farm's 4th Christmas Sketch!

2010 Card Details: Stamps: The Greeting Farm - Marina Neira's Free 2010 Digital Image Paper: DCWV DP; Papertrey Ink White CS Ink: Copic Markers; Copic Atyou Spica Glitter Gold and Red Markers Accessories: Making Memories Star Brads; The Robin's Nest Dew Drops; Nestabilities

We'll be sleeping in, having a late pancake breakfast and then off for an early dinner at my parents house with lil sis and BIL :)
A beautiful way to start the New Year!!!

Much love to you all,

Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm sooo grateful for all of you!!!

I truly am sooo grateful for all of my bloggy and e-friends :)
I have been neglectful these past couple of months, and I am so sorry! I have received many wonderful blog awards, cards and RAKs - that I will always love and cherish, but unfortunately, I have lost my list and pics to post when I switched laptops :( and I feel rather badly to just post what I have recently received...

So, I am hoping to make it up to all of these wonderful people who have thought of me by giving them all a shoutout from memory ;) 
Please do not take offense if you are not listed, I am working from memory and we all know that mine is not the best, lol! Kindly email me (MeScrap at Rocketmail dot com) and I will add you on ;) I'd hate to leave anyone out!

First - thank you to all of the Design Teams that have allowed me to work with them this year :)

Tonya of Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenges
Jen of Little C's Stamps n' Things
Lindsay of Sassy Studio Designs
Claudia of Die Cuts R Us
Nancy of Dog Gone Stamps
Virginia of Instyle Stamps / Club Anime

My time has ended with Sassy Studio Designs and soon (the end of January) my time with Die Cuts R Us will too... I am sad to have to say goodbye to two such amazing and fabulous teams - I am thrilled to have been able to have created and worked with them :) and I wish them much, much more success in the future!

On a happier note, my time with InStyle Stamps/Club Anime has been extended and I will continue on with my Twilight Tuesday girlies :)
Nancy from Dog Gone Stamps is currently working on setting up a blog!
AND I am now a proud Prairie Fairy design team member! Please visit Roberta's blog to see all of her amazing sneak peeks and freebies! (Store to open soon!)

And now I would like to thank all of my wonderful, super-duper friends, supporters, followers, and inspirations :)
(and in no particular order...)

Cheryl of
Tina of
Risa of
Rebecca of
Piali of
Jami of
Tonya of
Toni of
Alison of
Beth of
Virginia of
Dani of
Tammi of
Donna of
Amy of
Eve of
Maureen of
Erica of
Jodi Ann of
Amber of
Danni of
Cara of
Jen of
Julie of
Jacquie of
Randi of
Jessica of
Valerie of
Steph of
Lori of
Sandy of
Bona of
Michelle of
Sparkle of
Jodi C of
Curt of
Monica of
Bonnie of
Sammye Jo of
Yvette of
Lelia of
Carmen of
Gwen of
Jeri of
Heather of
Rina of
Maria of
Sarah of
Carole of
Maria of

... and last, but certainly not least - a HUGE thank you to my little sister, Sara (Sarabeth) of Scrap Happie!!!
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her - so many reasons - she is my best friend, my cheerleader, my guide, and so much more :)  Words could never describe how much she means to me and how much we all love her ;)

Hope y'all have a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year :*)

PS - If I ever get my camera back from my Mom's car's glove box, I will happily be sharing some Christmas pics and created cards ;) 

Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's Saturday... Some Challenges!

Happy Day after Christmas ;)
Hope y'all survived the day of festivities! I know some of you are probably still going at it throughout the weekend! but everyone here is completly exhausted and we're taking the today (Saturday) to do nothing, lol - which technically means to do everything, since we have a million toys to rip out of boxes, put together and pry open battery comparments ;)  Wish us luck!

Ok, so I have 2 cards to share with you and the challenges that helped!

Here's Sassy Studio Designs 2nd to last challenge of the year!!!
This week's Dare to be Sassy Thursday is a Christmas Color Challenge...

Red and Green

I also used...
Cupcake Craft Challenges 71 - A Time for Celbration
Dare U 2 Digi Stamp Challenge 28 - Last minute Christmas cards
Stamp Somethings - Holiday Somethings Challenge
and it is loosely based but definitely inspired by Mojo Monday's Sketch 118.

Xmas Tree Card Details:
Paper(s): Me & My Big Ideas DP; Bazzill CS and Papertrey Ink CS
Stamp(s): Sassy Studio Designs Digital Image
Ink(s): Copic Markers; Copic Atyou Spica Glitter Markers
Accessories: The Robin's Nest Dew Drops; Making Memories Ribbon; Bo Bunny Flowers; Nestablilities.

For my next card, I used one of my most fave images from InStyle Stamps - Snowman Chick...
I also used these challenges...
BasicGrey Challenges Week 10 Color Combo - Cream, Pink, Blue (and for some odd reason I thought that green was included, lol!)
Digital Tuesday Challenge 38 - Let it snow!
and The Pink Elephant Sketch Challenge #46.

Snowman Chick Card Details:
Paper(s): BasicGrey Eskimo Kisses DP; Papertrey Ink Kraft CS; Bazzill CS

Stamp(s): InStyle Stamps Snowman Chick Digital Image
Ink(s): Copic Markers; Copic Atyou Spica Clear Glitter Marker
Accessories: Making Memories Trim; Martha Stewart Star Border Punch; Large Nestabilities; The Robin's Nest Dew Drops.

Thanks for looking and for all your wonderful comments :*)

Happy Holidays!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of my family, friends, e-friends, and followers for all of their love and support!
You will never know how much I truly appreciate you all! and feel so blessed to be here to share with you all :)

Hope you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas... with a lot of sparkle ;)

Much Love,

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays with Die Cuts R Us Blog Hop!!!

Merry Christmas Eve!!! It's finally here! The...
Die Cuts R Us Design Team Holiday Blog Hop!!!

To start at the beginning of the hop, please go to the Die Cuts R Us DT Blog... otherwise, you should have just left my lil sisters blog, Sarabeth of Scrap Happie :)

Don't forget to leave a lil love on each of the DT's blogs and grab your "keywords" to unscrable the phrase and be entered to win a gift fromt he Die Cuts R Us Store!!!

The team was asked to use their fave products from the Die Cuts R Us Store... Do you know how hard this was to do?!?! I couldn't just go WITH (<--- keyword!) one product!

Now, if you know me, you know that I am a Twilight-a-holic ;) and lil' Edward from The Greeting Farm is my boyfriend! hee, hee! Especially when he is colored in with my beloved Copic Markers and Copic Atyou Spica Glitter Markers! Add in some Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly DP and The Robin's Nest Dew Drops and I am in heaven!!!

See?! Edward always sparkles just for me :)
This card was also inspired by Mercy's Tuesday Sketch Challenge 53!

... and then I did needed to take a lil break from the holidays to enjoy some December birthdays...
This is my first time inking up this handsome guy - The Greeting Farm's Twinkle Tots "Max" Rubber Stamp - paired him up with Cosmo Cricket's Boyfriend DP and Cuttlebug's Stars Embossing Folder!
Perfect birthday card!
This card was created using The Greeting Farm's Christmas Sketch #2!

Getting back into the holiday spirit... I always turn to my Memento Ink, Copic Markers and Dew Drops to get my mojo flowing...
I also turn to sketches ;)
This card was inspired by The Greeting Farm's Christmas Sketch #3!

And last, but certainly not least! I finally digged into some new faves!!! Bo Bunny DP, Neenah Paper, May Arts Ribbon and my Nestabilities!!!  I don't think I'll ever created another card without using my Nestabilities ;) and I used The Greeting Farm's Christmas Sketch #1!

There ya go! Now you know my favorite must haves when I am getting my scrappy groove on!!!

OH! Don't forget to also enter Die Cuts R Us' Epic Six Die Cutting Tool Contest HERE!

Your next stop is the very wonderful, sweet and talented Jessica of The Whimsical Butterfly 

Happy Hopping!!!
Merry Holidays :*)

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Picture Wallet Tutorial at Die Cuts R Us!!!

I've got a quick Monday post for you ;)
I have NOT been able to do any shopping at all! I'm hoping to get out later today to get most if not ALL of my shopping done! I love to buy things! but hate to actaully go out and get them! LOL!
Oh my, but can you imagine if my boys were to wake up and not find any presents under the tree?! eeeek! This blizzard really ruined our plans this weekend - us Long Islanders are not used to this kind of weather! Anything over 2inches and everyone is having a panic attack around here, lol! So with 20inches of snow on the ground, I must throw myself into the crowds, alone!
Wish me luck ;)

Ok, onto my tutorial for Die Cuts R Us!!!
Hee, hee! You have to go over to the Die Cuts R Us DT Blog to see the step by steps ;)
... but here is the end result...

What do ya think?! ;)

Wallet Details:
Paper(s): My Mind's Eye DP; Bazzill CS
Stamp(s): RAK Image from Tammi of Tropical Dreams
Ink(s): Copic Markers; Copic Atyou Spica Glitter Markers; Tim Holtz Distress Ink
Accessories: QuicKutz Epic Six Tool using Spellbinders Large Labels Nestabilities; May Arts Ribbon; The Robin's Nest Dew Drops; CM Corner Punch

*Don't forget!!!

Die Cuts R Us is having an Epic Six Giveaway!!!
Make sure your a follower and comment HERE!!!


Be on the lookout! - The Die Cuts R Us DT is having their very first blog hop this week!!! Starting on Christmas Eve! The hop will be running until the 28th, so you'll have plenty of time to steal yourself a relaxing moment and follow along ;)

Thanks for looking :)
Happy Holidays!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

InStyle Stamps "Love & Romance" Blog Hop

TGIF!!! and welcome to the InStyle Stamps December Blog Hop!!!

This month's theme is...
Love & Romance

We're hopping a week early this month since the last Friday in December is Christmas, and we know you'll be much too busy opening presents to come play with us. The design team has created some lovely projects to inspire you. So, if you didn't just arrive from Virginia's Blog you will want to make sure that you start at the beginning of the hop HERE!!!

Oh, and yes, there will be a Grand Prize to one lucky Blog Hop participant and also have a prize for one lucky design team member.
To enter, hop through the design team’s blogs, (leaving a comment at each stop, of course!) and then go back to the InStyle Blog Post and vote for the designer who's project inspired you the most. Then, in order to be entered into the drawing to win the grand prize, leave your name with Mister Linky. Easy Peasy ;)
You have until 11:59pm EST on Sunday, December 20th to enter, and the winners will be announced on the InStyle Stamps blog on Monday.
I hope my Xmas/Anniversary card inspires you :)
I also used Friday Sketchers Sketch #82 

Meet Tiff and Mitchell, the kissy couple ;) A new image coming soon to InStyle Stamps!

Love & Joy Card Details:
Paper(s): Bo Bunny DP; Bazzill CS; DCWV CS; Papertrey Ink White CS
Stamp(s): InStyle Stamps "Mitchell & Tiff" Digital Image
Ink(s): Copic Markers
Accessories: My Mind'e Eye Sentiment and Tree elements; The Robin's Nest Dew Drops; Prima Ribbon; Spellbinders Labels Eight Nestabilities.

Your next stop is Piali of Touch of Creation

Happy Hopping and enjoy your weekend!!!

Oh! and don't forget to vote for me ;)
Hee, hee

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

InStyle Stamps Over the Hump Day Blog Candy Giveaway!!!

Happy Hump Day!!!
I've got another sick lil one, sigh... just when things were clearing up, now our 3yo is sick; and it takes a lot for this lil guy to be so tuckered out to not only nap once, but three times yesterday! I was so worried that he had the flu that I didn't leave his side for more than 2 seconds, but the doc confirmed it's just a double ear infection and virus - we're pros at handling that! So, with a lot of patience and prayer, he'll be fine in a couple of days :)
Thanks to all of you who have sent much lovely thoughts, comments and prayers our way :*)

Ok, moving on to some fun stuff :)

OTHDBCGA was started to give a little boost to get us over hump day. It occurs on the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of the month.

This month’s challenge is to create a New Year's themed card or project using an InStyle Stamp image. If you don't have an image, please click on my link in the upper left hand corner of my blog and you will receive 5% off all your orders ;)

Once you've completed your project (and you have 30 days to do this), simply post a link to your project before 11:59pm, PST, January 12, 2010. And the Blog Candy Winner will be announced by 6pm January 13, 2010.
This month's prize is 3 Copic Markers and 3 Copic Atyou Spica Glitter Markers!!! 
{Oh! how I wish I was able to win too ;) LOL!}

Here's my New Year's themed card using Jana...
I borrowed Mercy's Tuesday Sketch Challenge #52
The Pink Elephant's Challenge #45 - Winter or Christmas Theme

Be honest! What do you think of the color combo?! I wasn't sure of it at first, but I've grown to love it ;)  and Jana is stylin' for New Year's Eve now! She's all ready to freeze her lil butt off at Times Square :)

Happy 2010 Card Details:
Making Memories DP; Neenah White CS

Stamp(s): InStyle Stamps "Jana" Digital Image
Ink(s): Copic Markers
Accessories: Making Memories Vintage Findings Clocks; May Arts Ribbons; Nestabilities; The Robin's Nest Dew Drops

AND don't forget!!! Club Anime's sketch challenge!
You may be our lucky pic for January and Febuary's Guest Designer!!! So exciting!!!
Here's the sketch for you to base your project on:

To play along and enter for the guest designer call, please leave your name and a direct link to your project in Mr. Linky HERE!!! The guest designer call will remain open until 11:59pm EST on Saturday, Dec. 26th!

C'mon! Let's get scrappy!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Die Cuts R Us Naughty or Nice Challenge (Edited)

Happy Tuesday :) 
Today's Die Cuts R Us Challenge is themed...

Naughty or Nice

This is a fun one people!!! Interpret this theme any way you'd like to and have a ton of fun with it!

Here's my card!
Soooo, what do you think?!?!
I think I may have had a bit too much fun! LOL!

Unfortunately, I purchased this image over a month ago and didn't pay attention as to where I purchased it from! I'm so so sorry!
If anyone knows where this hunky suspender guy is from, please let me know!
I'd like to give the proper credit :)

** Edited to add - the very kind Susan of Killam Creative, left me a comment informing me that the image is from Victoria Case Art Designs "Pin-ups" Collection and he is called - Suspenders! Hee, hee!
Thanks Susan :)

Hunky Xmas Guy Card Details:
BasicGrey Eskimo Kisses DP; Coredinations CS; Neenah Solar White CS
Stamp(s): The Greeting Farm's "Xmas Sweeties" Sentiment Stamps; Victoria Case Designs Pin-ups Collection "Suspenders" Digital Image
Ink(s): Copic Markers; Copic Atyou Spica Glitter Markers
Accessories: Reminisce Brads

Thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to seeing the fun stuff y'all will create for this challenge :)

Oh! Don't forget to stop by the Die Cuts R Us DT Blog to become a follower in order to be entered to win an Epic Six Tool!!!!
Go HERE for more details :)

Thanks for stopping by :*)

Stay tuned!!!
It's going to be another fun-filled loooong Tuesday ;)
Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge is coming up! and please scroll down to view Sassy Studio Designs' Release/Blog Hop and Club Anya's Holiday Blog Hop too!
Thank you!!!

Sassy Studio Designs Stocking Stuffers Release & Blog Hop

Good morning Sassy's!!! So sorry I'm late....

Today's Sassy Studio Designs
Stocking Stuffer Release

It's a blog hop!!! So, if you arrived here from sweet Lelia's blog you are in the right spot, if not, and would like to start from the beginning, please go to Sassy Studio Designs Blog :)

Here's my stocking stuffer! I couldn't resist created a small pizza box with some notecards! Perfect lil stocking stuffer!
I used the stocking for the notecards, and I used the Holiday Tags on the box...

I used a Sassy Studio Tutorial! Lelia's Pizza Box Tutorial found HERE!

Our family traditions... we don't have any set in stone, except to be together, eat and be merry :)
Every year, I am up until 2am Christmas Eve/morning wrapping and putting things together! LOL! I'm the Santa ;)
DH always makes a pancake breakfast, we lounge around in our pj's until it's time to get ready to go to either my parents or sisters house - this year I think it may be both! LOL! Luckily for us, we all live within 5 miles of each ;)

Pizza Box & Xmas Notecards Details:
Paper(s): My Mind's Eye DP; Papertrey Ink White CS; American Crafts White CS
Stamp(s): Sassy Studio Designs Sassy Stocking Stuffer Collection - Stocking and Sassy Holiday Collection - Holiday Tags
Ink(s): Copic Markers 
Accessories: Pizza Box Tutorial from SSD; The Robin's Nest Dew Drops; e. Prima Gems; May Arts Ribbon

And don't forget to stop by the Sassy Studio Party Blog for chit chat (7-9pm EST) and surprises! So leave your loving comments everywhere! hee, hee!

Your next spot to hit is Cassie's Blog!

Happy Hopping :*)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Club Anya Holiday Blog Hop

Good evening! It's time for...

I couldn't resist, I had to use my Xmas Sweeties set and Merry Merry DP!

Ian loves to sparkle for me too ;)

... lil Anya is so precious...

She's the most girly-girl I've ever met!

Happy Holidays everyone!!!
Don't forget to stop on back to Club Anya for the Blog Hop list and details!
Enjoy the hop :)

Twilight Tuesday is getting Scrappy!

Twilight Tuesday now has a Scrapbooking Challenge!

Brought to you by our sweet Alison...
"I am so excited about these new challenges. Every other Monday, I will be giving you a new topic. This topic will be taken from the pages of the wonderful Twilight Saga, and then I will reinterpret it to fit into our “real” lives! Next, YOU get to make a scrapbook page(s) about the topic! We want to know about you and your life! But, you can of course, make it about the books/movies as well! It’s up to you! We want you to have fun!!!"

"On to the first challenge… The wolf pack is made up of brothers. Not brothers by blood, but by the situation that binds them together. They are a family unto themselves. So, who’s in your pack? Who’s by your side no matter what? Is it your best friends? Maybe it’s actually your blood relatives! Are you a part of an extended military family where those on base with you are your new pack? Make a scrapbook page(s) or mini album about this very important bond!"

Take a look at Alison's and Erica's beautiful layouts! and then don't forget to submit your layout HERE!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make the time to create my layout for today... but here's a few pics that I want to use  :)

My beautiful little sister, Sarabeth... she's always been my shining light, my inspiration, my love :)
I know that no matter what - we will always be there for each other...

Just as I know that these two boys will always have that brotherly bond too...

We had cake last night for Nicky :)  and he let his lil bro help him blow out the candles too! That is definitely true brotherly love!

Happy 6th Birthday our lil Nicky!!!

Happy Monday everyone!
See y'all later for Club Anya's blog hop!!!

Design by Imagination Designs
Graphics by PSW Shop