Thursday, September 29, 2011

Potter, Vader and Kong! Riley's Blog Hop and Candy!!!

It's finally time for the 

ALL 18 Riley Movie Stamps are available  NOW!!!
Orders placed between tonight through
 Sunday, October 2nd
will receive 
FREE shipping!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Use coupon code: FREESHIP 
If you place your order within the next 24 hours
"Witch with Broom" for Halloween!!! 
If you purchase the entire 18 Movie stamps, 
you will receive 10% off!!! 

Grab your popcorn and favorite drink! 
Let's go to the MOVIES!!!

"Pottermoose"  starring in "The Moose Who Lived" 

"Moose Vader" starring in "Star Wars: Revenge of the Moose"

"Moose Kong" starring in "The Moose Takes on Manhattan"  

Awesome trailers, right?! 

Make sure to leave comment on each of the DTs blogs during the hop! 
Each DT will randomly draw a commentor to win a FREE new release stamp of their choice!!! 

Here's the blog hop order :) 
Guest Designer Gina Lindsay

Happy Hopping!!! 

Are you a Marvel or DC Comics Fan???

It's the last day for Riley and Company Movie Sneak Peeks!!!
ALL 18 Riley Movie Stamps will be available  
TONIGHT at 10pm EST during the Blog Hop!!! 
AAAAAND ALL orders placed between 

Thursday, September 29th through Sunday, October 2nd -
will receive FREE shipping!!! Woo Hoo!!!

So, which one are you a fan of!?
DC Comics??? or Marvel Comics???
At the moment, we're pretty torn up over here at my house, lol!
We're fans of both! and who wouldn't be when Riley the Moose is playing dress up as...


Remember this... 

Your welcome!
The theme song has been stuck in my head for days! LOL

... and "Batmoose

I remember seeing the re-runs when I was a kid ;)
See? I'm not that old! hee, hee

Yes, the theme to this one is also stuck in my head! 
Takes turns with the other one ;) 

The rest of the Moosemates have some amazing sneak peeks on their blogs today too! 
Don't forget to stop by and visit our Guest Designer playing along with us for this release, 

See you tonight at the Release Hop!!! :)  

Thanks for stopping by! 
I really do appreciate all the visits and comments!!! xo

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

an X-Rated Snowman! eeek!

'morning peeps :) 
It's day THREE of the FIFTEEN days of a Pixie Christmas!!! 
 One image per day, how fun is that!!! 

Today we are on "X" to spell out:
P I X I E  D U S T  S T U D I O

So here he is... my "X-rated Snowman", eeek! lol! 

Oh My Goodness! Isn't he hilarious!? 
I looove snowmen, and I love this one even more! Poor guy! 
My papers are unknown, they were sheets that I 'borrowed' from my sister's stash, lol! 
The sentiment part is from Cosmo Cricket; I thought that it went perfectly with this guy :) 

Be sure to check out the rest of the Pixies and their amazing holiday creations too! 
Thanks muchly! :*) 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Summer Nights :)

It's time for MORE Riley and Company sneak peeks!!!
ALL 18 Riley Movie Stamps will be available on 
Thursday, September 29th at 10pm during the Blog Hop!!! 
and here's the bonus!!! 
All orders placed between Thursday, September 29th
through Sunday, October 2nd -
will receive FREE shipping!!! 

For today's sneak peek,
I am SO happy to create a card for one of my all time favorite movies...

Let me introduce you to...
"Riley as Danny
"Sophie as Sandy"

My parents had RECORDS when I was little 
and this 'soundtrack' was my very first record, just for me :) 
I remember playing my RECORD PLAYER over and over again! 
Especially this song! I knew exactly where to place the needle to get to it ;) 

Oi! I feel old! LOL! and I'm really not that old, hee hee :) 

The rest of the Moosemates are also sharing sneak peeks on their blogs until Thursday too! 
AND, we also have a Guest Designer playing along with us for this release, 
Be sure to check out everyone's fun movie creations :) 

Thanks for stopping by! 
I really do appreciate all the visits and comments!!! xo

I'm SPARKLE-ing :)

Good evening my fellow peeps! 
I have some wonderful news to share!!! 
I am now part of the 
Woo hoo :) 
More specifically, I will be designing primarily with 
Karber Rubber Stamps!!! 
Can we get another "Woo hoo" in here?! 
hee, hee! 
I was floooored when Sparkle emailed me! Like she had to ask ;) 
The first of many wonderful things to come!!! Whoot! 

Since my term doesn't technically start until the October 1st, 
so I thought I would dust off my precious "Lantern Rin" 
and play along with the current sketch challenge for the occasion :) 

I have been hording this Prima pad called Peaches foreverrrrr!
I decided to do some paper piecing and my nesties were the perfect element to get this sketch going!

Here's the sketch... 

I am also entering my card into the following challenges: 

Thanks so much for stopping by again!!!
Stay close by, my next Riley and Company 'feature' will be up shortly ;) 
and you don't want to miss this movie!!! 

15 Days of a Pixie Christmas!!!

Can you believe it?!?! 
FIFTEEN days of holiday themed Pixie Dust Studio digital images!!! 
One image released every day, for FIFTEEN days!!! 
Kathy SOOO ROCKS!!! She is releasing images that will spell out: 
P I X I E  D U S T  S T U D I O
How creative and fun is that?!?! 

Due to some DT duties and family being sick this weekend, 
I am a bit behind on my posts! Sorry! but after this one, I'm crossing fingers that everything should be caught up and fall right into schedule with all the releases and challenges I have going on this week! Woo hoo! 

So today I bring you day ONE and day TWO of a 

For day one, we have... P is for "Pixie Claus" 

... and for day two,  I is for "I Love Ornaments"

BOTH images are available NOW 
at the STUDIO!!! 

What an awesome way to get into the holiday spirit and start creating those Christmas cards early this year!!! They got me humming Christmas songs, lol! 

Be sure to visit the rest of the Pixies for more peeks! 
Thanks for looking! Happy Tuesday xoxo

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bridezilla and Popcorn!

Woo Hoo!!!
It's Day TWO and Day THREE of Riley and Company Sneak Peeks for me today :)
EIGHTEEN new Riley's are being released on Thursday, September 29th!!! 
And it's all about MOVIES!!! 
If you're a huuuge movie-aholic, this is a must have collection!!! 

First I have "Sophie as Bridezilla

I have to admit, I've never seen any of the 'Bride of Frankenstein' movies, 
but I have watched the show, Bridezilla's! LMAO! and their are some really scarey brides on there! 
Sweet Sofie is much too cute to be on that show! ha! 

 ... and for my next card, I have "Popcorn Riley" 

This adorable Riley reminds me of my boys! 
They sit in the theatre all proper, with their bucket of popcorn and soda just like this! 
Nice and comfy... I wonder what he's watching now... 
my lil guy says Riley must like the same movies that he does right now! LOL!
We've been on a Rio and Despicable Me marathon for the last day and a half, oi! :) 

So remember, the rest of the Moosemates are also sharing sneak peeks on their blogs too! 
AND, we also have a Guest Designer playing along with us for this release, 
Be sure to check out everyone's fun movie creations :) 

Thanks for stopping by! 
See you in a bit with MORE sneaks!!! xo

friends :)

Oh, gosh! Is it really Monday already?! eeek! 
Everyone in my home is a bit sicky right now; it's been a chorus of coughs, sneezes, nose sniffles, etc. all weekend long. My poor lil guy seems to have it the worse since he is the one with the ear infection :(  
The weekend flew by much too fast, not enough time to shake off the back-to-school germs :p 
Hopefully, they won't linger for too long ;) 

Onto a happier, but bittersweet post :)
This is my last challenge playing along with The Pink Elephant DT...
I had such a wonderful time playing along with this amazing and talented DT!
A big thank you to Lori and Sheri for letting me be a part of it for this term :)
I know for a fact that I will still be playing along when I can!
Who can resist a pink elephant?! :)

So for today's The Pink Elephant challenge,
you have to CHOOSE one of the DTs creations to CASE!!! 
How awesomely cool is that?! 
You can choose to create with one of the DTs color scheme, 
layout/sketch, the image that they used, etc. 
Whatever inspires you, just go with it and have FUN! 

Here's what I created...
of course I just haaad to go all boy for this challenge ;) 

I used this handsome boy duo, "Boys'R Us" by LORi Designs... 
This image reminded me of MY boys  :) 
Of course they're brothers, but they tell each other ALL the time that they are each others
Best Friend too :)  Melts my heart every time :) 

I also used my new pad of My Mind's Eye "Here We Go" and some delish The Twinery baker's twine that my sister so graciously shared with me! I just loooove this stuff - the colors are so vibrant and fun! 

Please be sure to take a peek at the other DT cards too! 
Even though I'm pretty sure you all are just screaaaaming to CASE a boy card, 
RIGHT?! ;) hee hee! 

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Monday! xoxo

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Riley meets Marilyn

Hello everyone!!! 
I'm running a day behind, so please, 
just amuse me for a bit and I will catch up by tonight ;) 

This is my Day ONE of Riley and Company Sneak Peeks!!! 
18 NEW Movie Themed Riley's will be released on 
Thursday, September 29th!!!

Today, I have "Marilyn Mooseroe

I know that the dress should have been white! 
but a girly girl needs her pink too!!! 

The rest of the Moosemates are featuring sneak peeks on their blogs too!
So don't forget to check them out... 
and we also have a Guest Designer too, 

See you in a few hours with Day 2 :) 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Introducing Pixie D(orothy) and Prince Toto!

"We're off to see the Wizard..." 

There's a NEW RELEASE at 
Pixie Dust Studio this week!!! 

First, let me introduce to you, one of the wonderful digital images to 

This collection brings back so many memories... 
and am I wrong, or is the movie better in its original black and white ;) 

Here's the entire collection: 
Go to the STUDIO now to get your images!!! 

OH! but wait one sec!!! 
Don't forget to tune in on Monday for... 

I promise you, these are some CUTE holiday images 
that you are definitely going to want to grab!!! 

See you then!!! xoxo 

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Your Birthday!!!

It's FRIIIDAAAY!!! Woo hoo :) 
That means there is another awesome sketch to play along with over at 
Taylored Expressions this week!!! 

Here is the amazing and fun-filled sketch... 

... and here is my card using 
Taylored Expressions "It's Your Birthday" a la carte stamp!
I also used the latest Key Ingredients Kit and the Medium Scallop Border Die... 

I have to admit, this is definitely one of my most favorite kits!
So very versatile, and SO very boyish too!!! 
Me likey boy stuffs ;) hee, hee!!! 

Thanks SO much for stopping by again this morning! 
Please be sure to stop by and visit the rest of the Sketch Crew today too :) 

Guest Stampers: Bonnie and Michelle

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Round and Round We GOOO!!!...

Remember when you were a little bitty smidge of a kid 
and you used to spin and spin and spin and spin... 
until you fell over! or for some of us, until we puked! LOL! 
Fun times, right?! ;) 

There's a super FUN challenge this week at Pixie Dust Studio!!! 
We are challenging you to use a CIRCLE THEME!!! 
Use polka dots! and/or layers of circles!

For my card, I used a Pixie of OZ sneak peek... 
Yes! a sneak peek! They started yesterday (oops!)
Here's mines today :)

Poor lil Tin Man, he does look a bit rusty... 
but he does have a huuuge heart full of love and friendship! 
I know my boys are going to love this guy for Valentine's Day too :) 

Release is tomorrow!!! 

AND lookie here: 

A Pixie Christmas starts MONDAY, 9/26th!!! 
It's going to be THREE WHOOOLE WEEKS of 
Pixie Christmas images!!! 
These images are a definite must have for your Christmas stash!
You really really really don't want to miss 15days of fun :) 

Thanks for stopping by today!
Happy Thursday, xoxo

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Birthday/Birth Day: Taylored Expressions Blast from the Past Blog Hop Today!!!

It's that wonderful hopping time of the month again!!! 

This month's theme is Birthday or Birth Day!!! 
Create a Birthday Card or a Baby Themed Card :) 
... and there is an option to use a sketch too: 

I had SO much fun putting this card together!
and Sankari's sketch made it so much easier too!
I paper pieced the images and used cork-stuff to
paper piece the ice cream cone and cuppie cup :) 

Enjoy the hop!!! Happy Wednesday :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stamping Riley

Wow, it feels like it's been waaay too long since I've shared a Riley card! 
Riley and Company has a new challenge running today :) 
This week, Heather has challenged us to create a 
WITH at least 7 LAYERS!!! 

Did she say 7 LAYERS?! eeek! 
After much thought, it was better to not think so much about it, lol! 
and then this card quickly came together :) 

He's my fave! A stamp about stamping ;) Love it!!! 
I distressed every where that I could and even mangled up the doily a bit, 
hee hee!!! 

Oh my! and did you hear about Riley's upcoming release?!?!
Riley is going to the MOVIES!!!

SNEAK PEEKS will start on Saturday, 9/24th
through Thursday, 9/29th... 

Blog Hop will start on Thursday, 9/29th 10pm EST 

The NEW RELEASES will be available on Thursday, 9/29th at 10pm EST!!!

You don't want to miss this release!!!
18 NEW Riley Movie Stamps :) :) :) 
The cutest ever!!!

Be sure to stop by and visit the rest of the Moosemates blogs today to see their shabby chic-ness!
Happy Tuseday!!! 

BFF's 4 EVA!!!

It's Tuesday! and I've got lots to be happy about :) 
But for today, I am sharing my latest card for the latest challenge over at the

This week, Pixie and Honey are challenging you to get all girly with 
Flowers and Scallops

And here is the latest digital image inspired by our October Read, Hope in a Jar... 

Pixie and Honey, BFFs 4Eva!!! :) 

Be sure to stop by the Bookshelf and play along with us! 
You don't need to have read the book this month! 
Just stop by and link up your girly-girly card :) 

Thanks for stopping by today!!! 
Enjoy :*) 

Monday, September 19, 2011

My 1,000th Post!!! and Best Buds!

Good Monday Afternoon!!!! 
I've made it to my 1,000th post today!!! Woo Hoo!!! It's official!!! LOL!!! 
I would have reached it last week, but you know how real life sometimes demands some attention and time - 
it was nice to take some unintentional time off again and reflect :) 
Of course in celebration of my 1,000th post and 3 years of blogging, 
I will be having some giveaways and blog candy in next month, for October!!! 
Lots of fun stuffs going on in October!!! Every week I will have something to show my appreciation to all my bloggy friends and followers! Thank you to all for always being here and around! It's what keeps me going around here most of the time :) 

For today, I have the latest The Pink Elephant Challenge to share with you! 

Aren't they a cute pair!? Best Buds! Just like my boys :) 

This week, Ella is challenging you to draw inspiration from this pic:

AND, we are also being sponsored by 
One lucky random winner will win a $15 gift certificate to the

Yes, my card doesn't exactly match the inspiration pic for this week's challenge, 
but I did try to draw some inspiration from it by including some green and circles in the card.
I didn't realize until after I chose my image, that the colors where so girly with the green and pink combo;
so I replaced the pink with the red... sigh, sorry! but y'all know how to play along better than I do this week, right?! LOL! 

Please be sure to visit the rest of the DT and their absolutely out-of-this-world creations!!! 

Happy Monday!!! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This Boy is Late!!!

Good morning!!! 
I have a belated challenge post to share with you today :) 

This week's Pixie Dust Studio Challenge is... 
"Is it a BOY or Is it a GIRL???" 
Create a baby card/project!!! 

Better late than never, right?! ;) 
Luckily for me, both my boys were a week early!
They were 'cooked' just right: perfect and healthy :) 
I used "Up Up and Away" from Pixie Dust Studio! 
He's one of my favorite boy images!!! 

Also going on today... 

Have you seen this month's selection??? 

It is quite funny! 
It will take you back in time to those high school/teen years... 
funny! and sweet :) 

Stop by the Pixie Bookshelf today and 
leave a comment answering our post! 
You can be one of TWO winners to win this month's digital image!
(Image to be revealed next week/Tuesday!) 

Oh! and while you're there... 

Maybe our 'guy' can give you a cup of iced coffee ;) 
{Hold on a sec... having an 'Edward' moment! lol!} 

Enjoy your Tuesday!!! 

PS, my next post will be my 1000th post!!! W-O-W!!! 
I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, lol! 
but I do believe it will be something worth stopping back for ;) 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Banner Love {TPE116}

Good Monday morning to you all!!! 
I'm starting off the week a bit late and tired, sigh... but other than that, it's a good one :) 

This week's The Pink Elephant Challenge is to create a 
Vintage Themed card/project 

Our awesome sponsor this week is 
One lucky random winner this week, will win a 
The Craft's Meow Stamp Set of your choice!!! 

The DT was so lucky to work with a few stamp sets from Lisa's store... 
I got to play with the "It's a Banner Day" Stamp Set designed by Nina Brackett! 

Make sure to stop by and see the rest of the DTs amazing Vintage creations :)

Happy Monday!!!
Design by Imagination Designs
Graphics by PSW Shop