Monday, February 27, 2012

Miss. Love

Good morning!!! and Happy M-Day to you all :) 
It's been a while since I've been able to post anything here - 
I just haven't had much time to create anything :( 
But I managed to squeeze in a bit of time late last night, yay! 

Just in time for a super fun Monday Fun Day Challenge at 
The Greeting Farm today!!! 
It's an "ANYTHING GOES" challenge, 
the best kind of challenge to play around with, right?! hee, hee 
and I also decided to use the current TGF SCS Sketch Challenge too!!! 

Here's my card using one of the Miss Anya's from the 

... and I also used my latest Key Ingredients Kit from Taylored Expressions! 
I just looove these My Mind's Eye 6x6 pads!!! 
This one is called "Rosey" - and I did some fun paper piecing with it :) 

Oh! and here's what the sketch looks like:

Please be sure to check out what the rest of the DT has been up to too! 

AND!!! Don't forget - it's sneak peek time at The Greeting Farm!!! 
You don't want to miss seeing what little "beans" are sprouting up at the farm on March 1st ;)

Thanks for stopping by! 
and enjoy your M-Day!!! xo

Friday, February 17, 2012


Good morning friends :) 
Did this week feel like the longest one ever to exist? lol, it really did to me! 
I am so happy to be able to post something today!!! 
Real life has been keep me so very busy, doesn't it understand that this girl need's to get her bumble-y going on as much as possible! lol! 

has another Spy Day to play along with today!

It's all about 'case-ing' Lori Craig's beautiful Kraft-y card! 
I just had to use the same stamp set that she used, Tea-rrific! 
I also tried to stay true to the layout and elements she used too; 
krafty cardstock, scalloped circle, button/twine :) 
All good happy stuff to play with!!! 

Please be sure to check out what the rest of my teammates came up with too! 

Have a fab TGIF!!! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mr. Bunny says you are wonderful :)

Happy Valentine's Day Eve!!! 
It's M-day {yea, me and M-day still don't get along, lol!} and I have now declared M-day to be an extension of the weekend! M-day used to be my 'cleaning/organizing' day for the week - I have now switched it to Sundays and M-days are now my days to just get the kiddos to/from school and relax with a good book or crafty-time :) hee hee!!! 

To start the week right! Let's play along with The Greeting Farm's 
This week, I challenge you to use Red and Pink on your cards/projects :) 

Here's my card using my Lucky Bunnies Clear Stamp Set... 
Oh! and I'm entering my card into The Spotted Chick's 

These bunnies are just so darn cute!!! 
and this sentiment is truly a favorite! 
I paper pieced Mr. Bunny with Kraft CS and WeRMemory Keepers DP... 
total sweetness!!! 

Be sure to stop by and see what the rest of the DT has been up to! 

Enjoy your week! 
See you later on this week ;)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Easter Bunny Ruby

What are you doing this weekend??? 
We're expecting some snow today and I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to keep my scrappy plans or if I will be spending the weekend locked up with my boys, snug on the couch with our favorite movies... either way, they're both my favorite things to do, so it will be a win/win situation ;) hee hee!!! 

Also, to start the weekend right - today is release day at 
 And we have a sweet Easter stamp to share with you... 

I colored sweet Ruby with my Copics and then had some fun with some matchy scraps that I found in my bin, all from My Mind's Eye... and I went a bit overboard with my pearls again! I just love this liquid pen thingy so much! Fun :) 

Sparkle is also sponsoring this week's Card Patterns Sketch Challenge!!! 

Be sure to visit our fabulous SCRS designers for more peeks of Easter Bunny Ruby
Sparkle will be giving away an Easter Bunny Ruby stamp to one lucky person! 
For a chance to WIN, you need to visit and comment on all of the designers' Easter Bunny Ruby blog posts (listed below) and then leave a comment on the SCRS blog
You have until midnight EST tonight to comment.

Happy "hopping"!!! 
and enjoy your weekend!!! 

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Leprechaun Oliver

Good day!!! 
Today is day ONE of Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps February previews! 
Sparkle will be releasing 2 new SCRS stamps with matching sentiments 
and 1 new Karber Clear Stamp Set on 
Saturday, February 11th :)

I'm so happy to finally show you "Leprechaun Oliver"...  

Oliver looks so jolly :) 
I colored Oliver with my Copics and used some more of my new Crate Paper DP... 
I found these old Doodlebug Design brads at the bottom of my jar, lol, thought that they would make a cute match with the theme of the card! 

Be sure to visit the awesome SCRS DT for more Oliver peeks today! 
Sparkle will be giving away one Leprechaun Oliver rubber stamp, so be sure to visit everyone and leave your comments on their blogs! 
You have until midnight EST tonight to hop along :)  to one lucky commenter! 

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

A Retro-Fresh Book Keeper!

Happy Day to You!!! 
It's Wednesday and although I feel a bit crummy, more on that later, and blogger had been misbehaving in the worse kinds of way this week - I'm in a good mood! hee hee! It must be all the chocolate I've been eating... sigh... yes, it must be since I've gained about 7lbs since Christmas, lol! 

Moving on to the fun stuff for today :) 

This month, Jess is challenging us to think 'paper dimensions'!!! 
Pop up those TGF stamps by using pop dots, silicone glues, etc. Whatever gives you that extra pop! 

I wanted something to help me keep track of all the books that I own, whether it be on my bookshelf or e-reader, and also, a wishlist of books that I want to read this year! So, I decided to alter a black/white notebook... 

I also used Splotchy and some clear stamps from Lucky Bunnies and Made By

I colored Bonnie with Copics and paper pieced part of her dress with My Mind's Eye Portobello Road DP and used a white pen to highlight her a bit to make her 'pop' since everything looked so dark against her white-ish dress... 

On the inside, I added some alpha stickers to create a directory and have started penning in what I have so far :)  This has been one of the best things I've ever created for myself - I no longer have to run to the computer to add stuff in before I forget! Yes, I'm ol' fashion, I like the pen to paper technique too! AND it helps to keep me off the computer too, lol! 

You have all month to play along with the challenge! 
Be sure to stop by and check out what the DT has created too :)

Enjoy your Wednesday!!! 

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Good afternoon crafty friends :) 
Is it really Tuesday?! It feels like a Thursday already, lol ;) 
One can hope, right?! 
Not that I want time to fly by, 
but I really do look forward to our weekends that are schedule free and full of family time fun! 
Don't we all :) 

I have a really fun card to share with you today! 
I am, by no means, a sports fanatic at all! So, if the colors I used by any chance support any team out there, my bad, lmao! I wasn't going for that ;) hee, hee! 
However, I was boo-ed by all the boys in my family that I should have gone with the Giants colors... I'm thinking that if I would have, they wouldn't have won ;) So there! ha! 

Any-hoo! Here is the second half of 
Create a card using any of your team colors, or anything football related! 

I, of course, used "Football Josh" for my card :)  

Please forgive any smudges you may see, it seems that a certain lil guy around here was quite interested in the sparkly stuff on today's card ;) 
I colored Josh with my Copics and then found some scraps of My Mind's Eye to put the card together, easy-peasy! Love how it turned out!!! 

Please be sure to check out what the rest of the DT came up with for today too!

Thanks! and enjoy the rest of you day :) 

Friday, February 03, 2012

My Sweet Angel Card...

Good Friday everyone!!! 
Wow, another week just blew away and it's February!!! 
I have to be honest, I was actually a bit afraid to post for today, lol! 
It's been so long since I've posted anything here, I'm thinking that people have either forgotten about me or are mad or both! ha! Sorry! 
I had to step back for a bit and figure out why my mojo has been lacking so much lately. It's never been this bad before and I have felt so overwhelmed and sad by it. I've been blogging and doing my thing here for 3 1/2 years now, and I have never stayed away for more than 3 days at a time. 
It's time to make some changes! and have some fun! 

So for now, I want to share with you the card I made for today's

This week, we are 'case-ing' Jas' card!!! 
and this is what I came up with: 

This is my first time using my sweet Angel Anya rubber stamp!!! 
Isn't she gorgeous!?

I used a scrap of Echo Park DP, found a paper silver doily and colored her up with my Copics... even did a bit of distressing there, lol! Quick simple card... wondering what occasion I could use this one for...??? 

Here's a close up at her sparkly halo and wings :) 

Thanks so much for stopping by! 
I truly do love my visitors and comment-ers :) 

Please be sure to check out the rest of the DT and see what they've been up to!!! 

Don't forget that tomorrow TGF will have another 
sketch challenge posted on their SCS forum!!!

Happy weekend!!! 

Design by Imagination Designs
Graphics by PSW Shop