Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh, Alice! Chapter 37: Halloween in WONDERLAND...

Happy Saturday everyone!
This week at Oh, Alice! We have a "just for fun" post today here in Wonderland that doesn't follow a book excerpt or poem... just a good ol' fashioned HALLOWEEN theme!
After all, tomorrow IS Halloween and it's time to showcase some fun projects, and many of us are using the Graphic 45 special line of papers, Halloween in Wonderland!

Oh my! How I love these Graphic 45 papers! Bought some a while ago just to drool over ;)
I couldn't decide what to do, so I came up with these 2!!!

I really looove the rustic orange-y color on the dp and decided to go all traditional with the Black and Orange combo...

And here's my other card!
I haaad to do something "mad" too ;)

PURPLE! Y'all know that purple and me don't get along, lol! But purple most certainly is the Mad Hatters main color; I just had to try and make amends to create this :)

We really hope you enjoy our projects today and that you feel like playing along! Today our VERY generous DT member Ky is offering up a set of Alice stamps by Elaine Cox! Even more of a reason to get creepy or crafty this week and show us what you can do!

Be sure to stop by the blogs of my TEAm Mates:

Card Details: 
Orange Card Size: 4 1/4 x 5 1/2
Purple Card Size: 3 1/4 x 4 1/4
Paper(s): Graphic 45 Hallowe'en Wonderland Collection DP, Papertrey Ink CS 
Accessories: MFT Twill Ribbon and Scalloped Scallops Die-namics, Cosmo Cricket Matilda Ribbon, Baker's Twine, misc Orange Ribbon, Making Memories Black Lace, Prima Pearls  

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Christmas Wreath Preview

Good Friday to you all again!!!
It's preview time at Claudia and Company!!!
and the DT has some wonderful creations to share with you today!!!

There's a new digi artist joining the
Claudia and Company family - Maree Truelove
Our first preview is featuring Maree's Wreath mini-digital set :)

Here's my Christmas-y Wreath card...

Stay tuned! More previews will be seen on November 3rd!!!
and you will be able to get your Wreath set on November 1st in the
Claudia and Company section at the Die Cut R Us Store
during the Winter Release Party on November 5th!!!


Be sure to hop around the rest of the DTs blogs for more inspiring creations :)


4 x 4 1/2 Card Details:
Stamp(s): Claudia and Company "Wreath" Digital Image by Maree Truelove, SU Sentiment 
Paper(s): Echo Park "Everybody Loves Christmas" DP, Prism CS, Neenah Solar White  
Accessories: Copic Markers, Making Memories Slice Flower Die-Cut, misc Ribbon, Michael's Gems 

Flower Girl Livvie

Happy Friday-Friday!!!
This is my first post of 2 for today ;)

A whole month has gone by already! Can you believe that!? so that means that it is time for another...
Baby Bud Designs Challenge!!!

Challenge #2 is to create a card using a Baby Bud Designs image,
Scallops, Buttons and Bling 

This lil darling is named "Livvie" Baby Bud :)
I just adore all of these whimsy Baby Buds! Each one has a lil story and is related somehow! and their cutesy curly hair is just too much! SO much fun to color :)

If you haven't noticed, I really do love my Scalloped-Scallop Die-namics from MFT!
It's the perfect touch for any type of card! I must get me more ;) hee hee!

Be sure to stop by the Baby Bud Designs Blog today for your
"Freebie Friday" Free image ;)

And, you can find more images HERE at their Etsy store! 

I hope you likey lil Livvie too!
Thanks for stopping by! See you again in a few ;)

Card Details:
Paper(s): {Doodlebug Designs DP???}, Papertrey Ink CS, Neenah Solar White
Accessories: Copic Markers, MFT Scalloped-Scallop Die-namics, Prima Flowers, Baker's Twine, Button and White Lace/Ribbon from Taylored Expressions

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Eat, Drink & Be Scary!!!

This is my 3rd and last post for today :)
Please be sure to scroll down and see my cards for this week's Pixie Dust Studio Challenge
and my card for The Greeting Farm's Critter Crew Preview!!!
Thank YOU! :*)

It's Thursday!!! and in celebration of it almost being the weekend and Halloween ;)  I have another Halloween-ish card to share with you!!!

This week, StampInsanity Stamp's Challenge #33 is all about Halloween treats and the holdiay itself...

I was trying to make Hilda look like she's floating/flying, but my boys claim that I just 'glued' her on all crooked, LOL! I let you be the judge as to who is right on this ;)
This sentiment can be found in the "Halloween Henry" Rubber Stamp Set and this fun batty paper is from Echo Park...

I also used the following challeges for my card :)
- Crafty CatzWeekly Challenge #55: Black/White and another color (Orange)
- Stampin' for the Weekend Challenge #49: Halloween/Fall
- The Corrosive Challenge #87: Halloween or Black/Orange
- Paper Playtime Challenge #22: Halloween

Please be sure to visit the StampInsanity Blog and Groovy Gurls for more inspiration!!!
Have FUN!!!

5 1/2 x 5 1/2 Card Details:
Paper(s): Echo Park "Happy Halloween" DP, Prism CS
Accessories: Copic Markers, Prima Gems, Making Memories Black Lace, misc Orange Ribbon

Frankie's Purple Haired Bride

This is my 2nd post for today!
Please scoll down to see The Greeting Farm's Critter Crew Preview!!! Thank you :)

Hi again!!!
It's time for anothe Pixie Dust Studio Challenge!
And #46 is all about... Halloween!!!
Create a spooktacular card and be sure to include Black and Orange!

I couldn't resist using "Frankie's Bride" for this challenge! and I haaaad to color her hair all purple! and in my book, you can never have a bride without any sparkle and bling, right?! ;)

It has been a while since I've used doilie on anything, I really enjoyed girl-ing up this Halloween card ;)

I also used the following challenges on my card :)
- Friday Sketchers Sketch #125
- Stamptacular Sunday Challenge #82: Orange, Yellow, Purple, White
- Stamp Something: Use a Digital Image
- Crazy For Challenges #60: Halloween
- Papertake Weekly Challenge: Sparkly and Bright

Please be sure to visit the rest of the Pixies creations!
AND, stop by Kathy's blog for a wonderful tribute and freebie for October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month right HERE!!!
Thanks for stopping by again!
I'll be back in a few with my last post for today ;)

4 1/4 x 4 1/2 Card Details:
Paper(s): Echo Park DP, Prism CS, Neenah Solar White, White Paper Doilie
Accessories: Copic Markers, misc Ribbon, Prima Flowers and Pearls  

A Cuddly Greeting Farm Sneak Peek For You!!!

Good morning!!!
I hope y'all are ready for a wonderful Thursday full of treats :)
I have 3 posts to share with you today!!! This one's the first!

The Greeting Farm's Critter Crew gets to share a few Sneak Peeks with you today! Squeee!!! There are THREE new images to drool over ;)

Lookie at this adorable lil guy joining the critter lot on November 1st!!!
Oh, and I used Mercy's Tuesday Sketch Challenge #97 :)

"Timmy - Rocking Horse"

I LOVE Timmy's feet-ie pajamas!
Wouldn't it be nice to still be able to wear those comfy pjs?! I know they make them for adults, but I feel a bit silly and embarassed to actually buy one, lol!

Here's a close up of Timmy rocking away!
Love me my glitter pens and new Echo Park DP!!!

There will be a set of critter digis up for grabs PLUS a Twitter and FB contest for anyone who leaves comments on all of the Critter Crew's blogs today!!! So be sure to stop by The Greeting Farm Blog for more details!!!

Heather Schlatter {Welcome Back!!!}
Margie Cortina {ME!}
Tangii Crain

Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy hopping around and taking peeks ;)

Card Details:
Paper(s): Echo Park "Everybody Loves Christmas" DP, Recollections Kraft CS, Bazzil CS Neenah Solar White
Accessories: Copic Markers, MFT Scalloped Scallop Die-namic, Papertrey Ink Dot Ribbon, Spellbinders Square Scallop Nestie

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Boy and his Pup

Howdy and g'eveing :)
Just jumping in for a moment to share the card I created at our monthly scrap get-together last Friday night!
I've been busy with some super images for DT stuff coming up later this week ;) and also trying to get some stuff organized for the Craft Fair! I've got to look into getting a ton of different sized envelopes quick ;)

Well, FYI - I'm the only cardmaker in this montly group ;) and that gives me the pleasure of showing off my lil images and Copics off a bit, {blushing} hee hee!
Unfortunately, I grabbed the wrong bag and brought the wrong images with me this time and forgot to pack cardstock! LOL! So I didn't get anything that I wanted to get done completed... which meant that I got to have a lil fun with something cute and new ;)

Here's my card...

This adorable image was a freebie from Some Odd Girl!
I'm not too familiar with their images, but when I saw this cutie, I knew that I had to have him too :)
I think his name is Tobie and he considered to be a Tiny...? Love his lil pup too! I'm glad that I had this boyish papers from My Mind's Eye with me! and Lil Sis, Sarabeth, came to the rescue with some Kraft CS and Ribbon for me to use, hee hee! Thanks sissy!!!
I hope you likey!!!
I'm a little behind on visiting everyone's blogs right now! I am SO looking forward to doing some hopping/commenting tomorrow night! Can't wait to see what y'all have been up to :)

Thanks for stopping by :*)

4 x 4 Card Details:
Stamp(s): Some Odd Girl Freebie Digital Image
Paper(s): My Mind's Eye "Lil Robots" DP, Recollections Kraft CS, Neenah Solar White
Accessories: Copic Markers, misc Ribbon, EK Success Border Punch, Tim Holtz Ticket Stub, misc Buttons

Monday, October 25, 2010

{Tap, Tap} Is This Thing On?!

Lookie here! I think I'm finally posting problem-free! LOL! Maybe I shouldn't say it too loud or I'll jinx myself again ;)
To put it nicely, the last few days have been quite interesting, but my non-techie self seems to have resolved my laptop/blogger/pic problems by updating a few things and it feels like it may have done the job now {crossing fingers and toes!}

With all of this stuff going on, my mojo has skipped out on me a bit, but I feel him lurking ;) I was able to completely finish my first knitted scarf!!! It's pink and white with a few defects, lol! but it's my first one and I'm actually very happy with the results. I'll prob post pics on FB later today :)

So I just wanted to pop in and share a few quick things with you and then grab mojo for a quick hot cocoa and convince him to stay for a bit of coloring and paper fun ;)

Here are 2 cards that I created a while ago;
these are the ones that I had created for TGF's Critter Crew DT Call Out :)

This is sweet "Randy with Flower" Digi, isn't he the cutest?!
I just love his lil outfit! Reminds me a bit of the Mad Hatter :)

 ... and this adorable lil guy is "Valentine Bertie", doesn't he just melt your heat?!
My lil guy is saving this one for him to use for Valentine's Day! LOL! I wonder who he will give it too...???

AND! Lookie here!
My lil sis is getting her crafty groove back on...

Swappin' Scraps is back!
Email Sarabeth {sarabeth(dot)burke(at)yahoo(dot)com} to get the deets, sign up and be added to the list!
Stay tuned to her blog, Chronicles of Sarita, for more details on the "Rules and Fun!"

COMING SOON! Scrap Happie Designs by Sarabeth Burke
Handmade Mini Embellie Kits and Skethes made by my lil sis, just for $7!!!
How cool is that?!?! :)

I've got loads of stuff toget done in the next few weeks! In November, I will be doing my very first Craft Fair! It's at Nicky's elementary school! and I'm SO excited to finally be on the other side of the table! I wonder if I'll sell anything :) I can't wait to see!

That's it for me today!
I'm SO happy to get things rolling again!
Happy Monday to you all :*)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Update and Oh, Alice! Chapter 36

Good evening! I hope that everyone is enjoying their weekends!
I'm sorry! but I have been having problemss with my Blogger account! I keep getting error messages, losing posts and don't get me started on the whole pic issues! ha! 

I have tried posting this 4 other times in the last 12 hours or so! So with the hope that this actually goes through ;) Here is this week's Oh, Alice Challenge info! 
I hope you'll join us! and I hope that I can too soon :) 
Thanks for your patience and understanding! hugs!!! 

"They don't keep this room so tidy as the other,' Alice thought to herself, as she noticed several of the chessmen down in the hearth among the cinders: but in another moment, with a little `Oh!' of surprise, she was down on her hands and knees watching them. The chessmen were walking about, two and two!

`Here are the Red King and the Red Queen,' Alice said (in a whisper, for fear of frightening them), `and there are the White King and the White Queen sitting on the edge of the shovel -- and here are two castles walking arm in arm..."

--Ch. 1: Through the Looking Glass

It's time for some Oh, Alice fun again!!!
The challenge this week is from our very talented DT member, Lynne...
Use some aspect of the game of chess!
You might want to use a checkerboard pattern, or feature a King, Queen, Knight or Castle (Rook), or some other aspect of the game we haven't thought of - we just need to be able to clearly see CHESS in your creation!

We are THRILLED to announce that there's a prize this week, too!
Thanks to our generous sponsor, PAPER MANIAC, this week, they are giving away a set of Artistic Outpost Alice in Wonderland mini-stamps AND a sheet of E.A.D. Designs Stickerz!
How awesome is that?

Please be sure to visit the awesome DT for inspiration!
Everyone's links are on my right sidebard ;) 

Checkmate! Have YOU met your match!?
You have until FRIDAY, October 29th to enter your creation and throw your hat (or should I say, crown?) in the ring for this awesome PAPER MANIAC prize this week! We'll announce the winner here in Wonderland during our next challenge!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!  

Friday, October 22, 2010

Envelope ON the Card!?

Happy, happy, happy Friday :)
This week flew by faster than last week! Wow! I don't mind so much since everyone seems to finally be feeling well and we're all finally getting close to being on schedule again! Even though lil guy woke up with a runny nose again {crossing fingers} that thats all it will be ;)

It's time for another fun-filled challenge at The Greeting Farm!!!
This week, Farmer Kim had a wonderful idea!!! 
Incorporate an envelope onto our card by using a pocket or envelope template, decorating an envelope or anything goes as long as there is some sort of an envelope to it ;) 

What a tricky but very fun challenge!
I decided to finally use one of these beautiful Kraft-scalloped envelopes by Maya Road that I've been hording onto, break open my new TE October Ingredients Kit and color up the adorable 
and here's what I came up with...

Here's a pic with the envelope open...
it's big enough to hold a gift certificate, money or a lil love note ;)

OH! and the stamped flower on the evenlope should look familiar to all you die-hard TGF fans out there ;) That's the one that you can find in their awesome "Sunshine Kit"!!!

Please be sure to stop by and visit the DTs wonderful creations too ;)

The Critter Crew:
Heather Schlatter
Jacquie Nordaune
Jennifer Royal
Kristine Reynolds
Linda Muhr
Margie Cortina {me!}
Sammi Betbeder
Shaela Odd
Tangii Crain

The Farmers:
Jessica Diedrich {TGF Creative Coordinator}
Kim Nath
Melyssa Connolly
Mercy Kerin
Randi Wall
Tammy Maxvill
Tanya Tahir (Oct. Guest)

Tonight, I will be going with my lil sis, Sarabeth, to our local Middle School for some fun Scrappy time with our group of friends from last year again! It's a monthly tradition that I very much look forward to and can't wait to see them all again! but I hope to get lots more crafting then talking done this time around, lol! Wish me luck ;)

Thanks for stopping by
and have a craf-tilicious weekend :*)

5 1/2 x 5 1/2 Card Details:
Paper(s): Imaginisce "Apple Cider" DP, Papertrey Ink Kraft CS, Neenah Solar White, Bazzill CS
Accessories: Maya Road Kraft Scalloped Envelope, Copic Markers, Buttons/Ribbon from TE October Key Ingredients Kit, Baker's Twine  

Thursday, October 21, 2010

You GO Girl!!!

Happy Thursday everyone!!!
I have a few things to share with y'all today :)

First, there's a new challenge at Pixie Dust Studio today!!!
Challenge #45 is a sketch with a theme...
Use the sketch and then choose one of the following:
- "Think Pink" (for Breast Cancer Awareness)
- or "Fall"

I chose the "Think Pink" theme and used "Rah Rah Pixie" Digital Image...
(I'm sorry! my pics are a bit dark and fuzzy today... stinky cloudy weather!)

We're all rooting for all of those that are going through it and that have been through it!
Many prayers for a cure to be found soon!

Thanks for stopping by again :)
You can keep scrolling in this post to see what I've been up to lately... or trying to be, LOL!  

4 x 4 Card Details:
Paper(s): Echo Park DP, Papertrey Ink CS, Neenah Solar White
Accessories: Copic Markers, Echo Park Stickers, Ribbon/Button from TE Key Ingredients Kit, EK Success Border Punch, Baker's Twine

Here are my lame attempts to crocheting again! LOL! As you can see, one piece went waaaay off from being straight! With the other 2 pieces, I somehow managed to knot myself up SO bad, I just had to cut it off! hahaha!
I remembered last night that knitting was easier for me; I just found my needles this morning ;) It's easier for me to count knitted stitches! I always get so lost when crocheting, LOL!


 This is our dessert for tonight! I bought one for each of us :)
... if they last until tonight ;) hee hee!!!

Enjoy the rest of your Thursday friends :*) 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Morgan's Purple Sky

We're at the 'hump' of the week :) Yay!
Things have been very busy and moving SO quickly lately, there's no time for headaches and stuffy/runny noses, geesh! LOL! I hope everyone is doing well :)

I have a very quick post and lil card to share with you today!
This is Morgan from the "Morgan's Spell" Rubber Stamp Collection...

I didn't want to cover this adorable "purple-y sky" DP too much; so I kept the layout and everything on it simple enough so you can still see it ;)

You still have today left to join in on

Here are my challenges for this card:
- Craft Your Passion Challenge #28: Orange, Purple, Black
- Karber Monthly Challenge #2: Fantasy {Witch}

Thanks for stopping by! See y'all tomorrow :*)

5 x 5 Card Details:
Paper(s): Doodlebug Designs "Midnight Sky" DP, Papertrey Ink Black CS, Neenah Solar White
Ink(s): Memento Tuxedo Black Ink, Copic Markers
Accessories: misc Orange Ribbon, Spellbinders Small Circles and Square Scallop Nesties

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jaime and his Night Light :)

Happy Monday!
It's a new week! A fresh start! and I'm in a good mood ;)
I have one boy at home with a cold/allergies, lil guy went to school! It's not often that I get alone time with my Big Boy :) Of course we're having a blast!

While he's off having a snack and watching Phineas and Ferb ;) I'm jumping on real quick to post a card that I created early this morning using the adorable Jaime from Claudia and Company! and one of my fave 6x6 sampler packs - October Afternoon's "Night Light"! 

Isn't he CUTE?! I just want to pinch those cheeks!!!

Here are my challenges :)

(Love this sketch, even tho I missed it! but still wanted to give credit!)

- The Corrosive Challenge #86: NO White papers! (I used Creme ;)
- Paper Sundaes Challenge #40: Create something for Someone Little
-  Craftalicious Challenge #10: Anything goes

Here's a peek at the inside!
I added a lil pocket so I can add a gift certificate or money ;)

I hope you likey lil Jaime :)

Thanks for looking, enjoy the rest of your Monday :*)

4 x 5 1/2 Card Details:
Ink(s): Copic Markers
Acessories: Tim Holtz Ticket Stub, Baker's Twine, Creme Twill, EK Success Border Punches, CM Corner Rounder Punch

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh, Alice! Chapter 35: "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Wonderland's Door"

"Alice laughed so much at this, that she had to run back into the wood for fear of their hearing her; and when she next peeped out the Fish-Footman was gone, and the other was sitting on the ground near the door, staring stupidly up into the sky.

Alice went timidly up to the door, and knocked.

`There's no sort of use in knocking,' said the Footman, `and that for two reasons. First, because I'm on the same side of the door as you are; secondly, because they're making such a noise inside, no one could possibly hear you.' And certainly there was a most extraordinary noise going on within--a constant howling and sneezing, and every now and then a great crash, as if a dish or kettle had been broken to pieces.

`Please, then,' said Alice, `how am I to get in?'

~ Chapter 6, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Hey everyone! It's a beautiful day here at Oh, Alice! and we are BACK with another challenge!
Have you ever felt like Alice? Not sure which door, window, or keyhole will be opened or closed next? Not sure which direction you're going but curiouser and curiouser about them all?

What a PERFECT opportunity to explore some new avenues,and walk through new doors we bring you at Oh, ALice this week. Thats right!
Your challenge this week is to create a card or project using a Door, Gate, or Keyhole.
Now, you can also get creative and do a gatefold technique, etc. As long as we can see it's a "Gatefold" or that there is a door, gate, or keyhole somewhere on your project! How FUN is this?

The best part? There's no time limit to play this week, so have fun and here's to opening lots of new doors in the future!

Sorry I'm late for this very important date!!! But here's my project :)
I've been wanting to create something more than just a card lately, but haven't had much time - well, to be honest, it's the patience that has been hiding from me, lol - to really go out of my comfort zone lately ;) But then I remembered how much fun I have when I created these mini-folders in the past! and just knew that I had to make one :) I actually created this a few weeks ago, but never had a chance to post it, until now ;)

I used one of my latest 6x6 sampler packs - Crate Paper's "School Spirit" and dusted off my very handsome Greeting Farm "My Guy Ian" Stamp Set and made this mini-folder! It's so quick, simple and super easy! I added a ribbon loop to make tying a knot or bow easier to stay in place...
I think I'll be creating a ton of these to add to gifts for the holidays! It's the perfect way to gift some of the kids photos, notes and gift cards :)

Here's the backside...

... and a peek of what the inside looks like...

Thanks for stopping by today, I hope you likey!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend :*)
Card Details:
Ink(s): Memento Tuxedo Black Ink, Copic Markers
Accessories: EK Success Border Punch, CM Corner Rounder Punch, misc Ribbon

Friday, October 15, 2010

A Sketchy Farm Fresh Friday

Wow, I really cannot believe that not only did I make it through the week, but how quickly it went for me too! It's Friday!!!
... and I don't think that I gave myself enough time to recoop from being sick earlier in the week; I've been feeling pretty yucky again for the last few hours, so hopefully with a lil rest, it'll just go away ;)
Either way - there is always energy for the fun stuff, right?! ;)

It's time for another Farm Fresh Friday
at The Greeting Farm today!!!

Farmer Melyssa created a fab sketch for us to use this week!

I used my (new to me) "Get Well" stamp set created by Marina Neira. Unfortunately, this set is not available in the TGF store right now, but you can view the current Critter Crew Digitals HERE!!!
I also got to use some of my new October Afternoon papers called "Farm Fresh" and these beautiful chocolate colored pearls by Recollections... the ribbon I purchased a while ago from my LSS and have been hording it every since, lol! I'm so happy that I used a bit for this card ;)

Now let's see what the rest of the Critter Crew and Farmers came up with :)

Critter Crew:
Heather Schlatter
Jacquie Nordaune
Jennifer Royal
Kristine Reynolds
Linda Muhr
Margie Cortina {me!}
Sammi Betbeder
Shaela Odd
Tangii Crain

Jessica Diedrich {TGF Creative Coordinator}
Kim Nath
Melyssa Connolly
Mercy Kerin
Randi Wall
Tammy Maxvill
Tanya Tahir {Oct. Guest}

Thanks!!! and Have a fab weekend :*)

Paper(s): October Afternoon "" DP, Papertrey Ink Kraft CS, Neenah Smooth White
Ink(s): Memento Tuxedo Black Ink, Copic Markers
Accessories: Recollections Pearls, SEI Choclate Ribbon, misc Ruffled Ribbon, Making Memories Slice Flower Die Cut, Spellbinders Small Circle Nestie

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pixie Dust Studio Challenge #44 "Fall into Fall"

Happy Thursday!!!
Sorry! but I'm a bit behind again! With all the sickies earlier this week, and with the last 2 days I've been running around and helping out with a few things, one of them being at the book fair at my son's school :)  How could I stay away from that?! LOL ;) I never got a chance to pre-post my challenges for today, so forgive me for rushing to catch up :)

Here's Pixie Dust Studio's latest challenge...
"Fall into Fall"
Create a card/project with a fall theme to it!
Think leaves and warm colors, like deep browns, purples, reds...

This is the cutest version of "Pocahontas" that I have ever seen! She was just released earlier this week in the "Leaves" Collection that you can now find in the Pixie Dust Studio's Shop!!!

I used this week's Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge #88 and some Crate Paper's "Restoration" DP that came in my TE September Ingredients Kit :) Beautiful papers! I really had a hard time cutting into these ;) but they fit the challenge so perfectly, I just had to use them! hee hee!

Please stop by the rest of the Pixie's blogs for more inspiration :)

Thanks for looking!
Ciao for now ;)
Card Details:
Paper(s): Crate Paper "Restoration" DP, Papertrey Ink CS
Accessories: Copic Markers, Tim Holtz Ticket Stub, K&Company Button Stitched Flower, Recollections Pearls, MFT Open Scallop Die-namics  
Design by Imagination Designs
Graphics by PSW Shop